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Sedation Dentistry

Minimal Oral Sedation: Stay Alert and Comfortable with this Conservative Technique

Nov 14 • 1 minute read

Did you know that there are levels of consciousness? It’s possible to be medicated into a deeply relaxed state while remaining awake and aware of your surroundings. Minimal oral sedation lets you reach this ideal disposition. With this technique, you can maintain a comfortable level of awareness during dental procedures.

Sensible and responsive sedation is an essential aspect of ethical dental care. Our approach to sedation is part of why Dr. Patel chooses oral conscious sedation as Eola Dental’s preferred method.

Below, we’ve gathered the details of this integral method.

How Does Minimal Sedation Work?

If you’re familiar with anti-anxiety drugs, minimal oral sedation techniques work on a similar premise. Patients take an orally-administered dose of an anxiolytic drug, one that is specifically formulated to inhibit anxiety without altering your senses or perception. When used in combination with local anesthesia, these gentle oral sedatives make for a comfortable procedure.

This dose is timed to coincide with the scheduled procedure. You’d most likely be taking your medication 45 minutes to an hour before your scheduled appointment. With this method, it’s crucial that your dentist conduct appointments on schedule.

Why Choose Minimal Sedation?

Dentists can manipulate sedation methods to keep you at your preferred level of consciousness. Your needs and comfort level will determine how conscious you should be.

Intensive procedures (like wisdom teeth removal or dental implants) would require general anesthesia (medically induced sleep), but most shorter treatments can be completed under minimal oral sedation.

Choose Dr. Patel for Sedation Care

At Eola Dental, we foster genuine relationships with our patients. We encourage open dialogue between yourself and our staff, ensuring we are responsive to your needs and preferences regarding sedation. You can trust Dr. Patel to maintain your comfort level while administering your treatments.

With minimal oral sedation, you’ll stay aware of your surroundings without feeling any discomfort or anxiety. We stay sensitive to our patients’ limitations and always look to accommodate your comfort.

Call us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to working with you.

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